Valuation of various types of real estate assets and portfolios in support of various types of engagements including core valuation/appraisals, litigation, due diligence and transactions.
Synthesize market information to be used in valuation, appraisals, competitive analysis, industry analysis, negotiation support and various other applications.
Continuous review of Canadian real estate market trends.
Support the team in the preparation of both internal and external presentations.
Support the team in business development and marketing initiatives across the country.
Requirements :
Vice President: 7+ years of experience in the real estate industry and an AACI designation
Associate: 3+ years of experience in the real estate industry and an AACI designation or AIC Candidate
Experience with various types of real estate, including retail, industrial, office, multi-family and land
Undergraduate degree (preferably with a focus on real estate and/or finance)
A strong understanding of the commercial real estate industry in Canada
Working knowledge of Argus
Strong project management skills
Strong computer and financial modeling skills
Understanding of key real estate value drivers, risks and opportunities