


Yes. Registration is free for job seekers. Register here

To register for free as a Job Seeker Click here

Registered Job Seekers can subscribe to jobs and job categories. You will also have an on CV profile that can be searched by employers. We advise job seekers to complete their online CV profile so that they can be included in our website's Job Seeker Search.

Use our Job Search Filter on the home page. This option lets you filter the job adverts by location, industry and/or job type. After selecting your preferences click on the "Search" button.

Visit our job listing page and view current open positions. After reviewing the requirements, if your skills meet the specific requirements for one or more positions, please click “Apply” and complete all fields on the application.

Ensure that you complete and update your online resume. You should also upload your CV in word or pdf format.

You need to be registered as a Job Seeker and logged in. There is an option below to subscribe to the Job category that the advert is posted in. You can also subscribe to categories from your profile page under the tab "Subscription"

Yes. Each position has a dedicated recruiter assigned to it. When you apply to a position, the recruiter is notified of your interest and will follow up with you in the event your skills match the requirements of the position.

We recommend applying online for Career Opportunities that are a match for your skills. If no position meets your objectives, Submit resume directly to us and we will put it in our database which is searchable by recruiters when future positions arise.

To reset your password go to Request a new Password


Yes. Registration is free for employers.Register here

To register for free as a an Employer Click here

Yes, you can. We allow unlimited free job posting. Please note, duplicate jobs and spam jobs will not be made live.

If you are new Jobfliq, you have to login first then, you can be able to post a job by clicking on any link which says “post a job” on Jobfliq.com. If you are an existing customer then you can post a job as mentioned earlier or else login to your employer’s account and click on “Post a job” on your dashboard.

Use our Job Search Filter on the home page. This option lets you filter the candidates by location. After selecting your preferences click on the "Search" button.

Employer Dashboard is a Dashboard which provides an overall view of the Employer’s account about the Recent Job Postings by Employer, recently saved search (hiring folders), Account Utilization status.

. It takes just few seconds after the posted job come live on website.

Yes, you can repost the same job with all new content or editing the content by clicking on Edit link in the dashboard.

Once the Job last date is over the job posting will expire and will not be visible to candidates to apply.

. To reset your password go to Request a new Password