The purpose of the role is to create exceptional and detailedarchitectural application design and provide thought leadership andenable delivery teams to provide exceptional client engagement andsatisfaction.
Requirements :
Develop architectural application for the new deals/ majorchange requests in existing deals
Creates an enterprise-wide architecture that ensures systems arescalable, reliable, and manageable.
Manages application assets and directs the development effortswithin an enterprise to improve solution delivery and agility
Guides how to construct and assemble application components andservices to support solution architecture and application development
Maintains the frameworks and artefacts used in theimplementation of an application, with reference to the systematicarchitecture of the overall application portfolio
Responsible for application architecture paradigms such asservice-oriented architecture (SOA) and, more specifically,microservices, ensuring business achieve agility and scalability for afaster time to market
Provide solution of RFP’s received from clients and ensureoverall design assurance
Develop a direction to manage the portfolio of to-be-solutionsincluding systems, shared infrastructure services, applications in orderto better match business outcome objectives
Analyse technology environment, enterprise specifics, clientrequirements to set a collaboration design framework/ architecture
Depending on the client’s need with particular standards andtechnology stacks create complete RFPs
Provide technical leadership to the design, development andimplementation of custom solutions through thoughtful use of moderntechnology
Define and understand current state solutions and identifyimprovements, options & tradeoffs to define target state solutions
Clearly articulate and sell architectural targets, recommendationsand reusable patterns and accordingly propose investment roadmaps
Evaluate and recommend solutions to integrate with overalltechnology ecosystem
Tracks industry and application trends and relates these to planningcurrent and future IT needs
Provides technical and strategic inputs during the projectplanning phase in the form of technical architectural designs andrecommendations
Account mining to find opportunities in the existing clients
Collaborates with all relevant parties in order to review theobjectives and constraints of solutions and determine conformance withthe Enterprise Architecture.
Identifies implementation risks and potential impacts.
Create new revenue streams within applications as APIs that canbe leveraged by clients
Bring knowledge of automation in application by embracing Agileand dev-ops principles to reduce manual part
Understanding application requirements and design astandardize application
Creating Intellectual Property in forms of services, patterns,models and organizational approaches
Designing patterns, best practices and reusable applicationsthat can be used for future references
Ensure system capabilities are consumed by system components andset criteria for evaluating technical and business value in terms ofTolerate, Invest, Migrate and Eliminate
Provide platform to create standardize tools, uniform design andtechniques are maintained to reduce costs of maintenance
Coordinating input on risks, costs and opportunities forconcepts
Developing customised applications for the customers alignedwith their needs
Perform design and code reviews thoroughly on regular basis,keeping in mind the security measures
Understanding design and production procedures and standards tocreate prototypes and finished products
Work closely with systems analysts, software developers, datamanagers and other team members to ensure successful production ofapplication software
Offer viable solutions for various systems and architectures todifferent types of businesses
Seamless integration of new and existing systems to eliminatepotential problems and maintain data structure and bring value in termsof development
Transforming all applications into digital form and implementand evolve around mesh app and service architecture that support newtechnologies like IOT, blockchain, machine learning, automation, BOTSetc
Cloud Transformation: (Migration)
Understanding non-functional requirements
Producing artefacts such as deployment architecture, interfacecatalogue
Identify internal and external dependency, vendor and internal ITmanagement