Receive and screen reports of adult abuse or neglect from the community for degree of urgency;
Provide 24-hour protective services by serving as after-hours social worker on a rotation basis;
Investigate adult abuse or neglect referrals;
Provide initial intake, crisis intervention and counseling services to vulnerable adults;
Provide case management services involving cases dealing with specialized APS services;
Investigate adult abuse and neglect referrals; when in the field, request law enforcement, mental health and/or ambulance and emergency services as needed for the immediate protection of vulnerable adults;
Consult with supervisor as needed regarding the placement of adults in an alternative living arrangement, i.e., other than the adults' homes;
Provide initial intake, crisis intervention and counseling services to vulnerable adults;
Participate on community outreach/education and on community task forces and committees;
Possess a working knowledge and ability to utilize LEAPS APS database system; and
Participate and complete and training courses.
Requirements :
Master's degree in Social Work or an approved two (2) year (60 unit) Masters degree in Counseling.
Possession of a Master's Degree must be acquired within three (3) months of the application date for the position and prior to appointment.