- Coordinating the delivery of new in-house EDI training for all Centre staff by our EDI colleague trainers, liaising with colleague trainers, the EDI manager, and HR.
- Providing ongoing support directly to the EDI colleague trainers and other participants in peer-to-peer L&D initiatives and administration support for the EDI Manager.
- Advocating, when required, in staff meetings for the potential and tracked impact that coaching, mentoring, buddying, and sponsoring can have on staff development, wellbeing and advancing EDI.
- Co-creating and implementing a new colleague coaching and mentoring programme with the EDI Manager and colleagues.
- Collaborating with HR on the development of a training needs analysis ensuring the training needs of stakeholders are identified, documented, implemented, and refreshed.
- Producing reporting on feedback and impact of L&D workstreams against our objectives and key actions in the EDI strategy.
- Creating annual timelines and schedules for the new workstreams including, where necessary, delegation of individual tasks.
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